Dipingo quadri acrilici astratti, geometrici e colorati, che evocano emozioni attraverso i colori .
5 cerchi di grandezze diverse, intersecati tra loro: questa la particolarità che distingue le mie opere. La composizione di base è una sola, sviluppata in innumerevoli varianti, grazie a diverse campiture di colore e con abbinamenti di toni, dai più delicati a quelli più accesi.
Scopri la serie di dipinti: Rotazioni di Cerchi
Arte , colore ed emozioni
Quadri che trasmettono calore e energia, in un gioco vibrante di colore ed emozioni.
Sono Laura Rota, pittrice. Dipingo opere astratte e geometriche in colori armonici.
Cerchi che si intrecciano in un gioco armonico di colori, sfumature e sensazioni.
Qui puoi vedere i miei quadri della serie
Rotations of Circles.
Mi sono avvicinata da poco alla pittura. Fino a dicembre 2020 non avevo mai dipinto, né sperimentato l’uso dei colori acrilici.
Come è nata l’esigenza di dipingere?
E com’è nata la serie 'Rotations'?
Da circa 10 anni ho maturato, parallelamente alla mia professione di graphic designer, un’esperienza significativa nell’insegnamento in ambito accademico. La necessità di spiegare in classe temi come la percezione ottica delle forme, l’uso armonico di abbinamenti cromatici e il significato dei colori mi ha appassionato e spinto a ulteriori approfondimenti.
Queste regole, che per anni avevo applicato nel mio lavoro in modo più subliminale che consapevole, sono diventate il trampolino di lancio per la mia attività artistica.
Ogni quadro viene sempre accompagnato dal suo Certificato di Autenticità, con foto e titolo, data e luogo di realizzazione, la tecnica, e che certifica che si tratta un quadro originale e unico, dipinto da me.
News, eventi & altre notizie
In questa pagina vi terrò aggiornati sulle mie iniziative. Mi auguro di avere sempre tante cose belle da condividere con voi. Se volete essere aggiornati con più frequenza vi invito a seguirmi su Instagram @laura.rota.art
2024 was the first important year for my artistic project and it was really special, all thanks to your support.
I’ve put all my energy into my art and the return I’ve received from you has been incredible.
Knowing that my art has found a place in your lives is something that moves me deeply.
There are so many exciting things in the air for 2025.
If you don’t want to miss a thing, I invite you to subscribe to my Art News (the link is in my bio) so you’ll be among the first to discover all the updates and new releases.
And if my art has touched you, I’d be so grateful if you’d share it. You’ll help me grow my project and introduce my art to even more people.
Thank you for being part of this journey. I wish you a 2025 full of beauty, inspiration and unforgettable moments!
🇮🇹 Con l’inizio del 2025, voglio prendere un momento per ringraziarvi.
Il 2024 è stato il primo anno importante per il mio progetto artistico ed è stato davvero speciale, e tutto questo è stato possibile grazie al vostro supporto. Ho messo tutta la mia energia nella mia arte e ho ricevuto un grande ritorno da parte vostra.
Sapere che la mia arte ha trovato posto nella vostra vita è qualcosa che mi emoziona profondamente.
Per il 2025, ci sono tantissime novità in arrivo.
Se non volete perdervi nulla, vi invito a iscrivervi alla mia Art News (trovate il link in bio), così sarete tra i primi a scoprire tutte le novità e gli aggiornamenti.
E se la mia arte vi ha emozionato, vi sarei davvero grata se voleste condividerla. Mi aiuterete così a far crescere il mio progetto e a far conoscere la mia arte a più persone.
Grazie di cuore per essere parte di questo percorso. Vi auguro un 2025 pieno di bellezza, ispirazione e tanti momenti indimenticabili!
#ArtWithEmotion #CreativeJourney #ArtAndGratitude #ConnectingThroughCreativity #joyfulart #geometricart #ArtWithPassion #ArtGoals2025 #ArtisticVision #ColorAndEmotion #LoveForArt
Here are the key moments that shaped my journey:
1️⃣ JANUARY - First solo exhibition.
Exhibiting at Altavia Italia @altavia.italia was thrilling: showcasing my work in such an important space, just 6 months in, gave me a huge boost of confidence.
2️⃣ FEBRUARY - First sales and commissions.
Knowing my artwork is now in the homes of those who love it was indescribable.
3️⃣ MARCH - Exhibition at THE LAB, Flavio Lucchini Art Museum.
During Mondi a Milano, I exhibited at ‘The Lab’ @superstudio.events, painting the Freedom canvas (170x170) live—an unforgettable experience shared with an attentive audience.
4️⃣ APRIL - Selection for Nucleika group exhibition.
Being part of this exhibition in Catania @nucleikart was a significant step toward national visibility.
5️⃣ MAY - Mercante in Brera.
Exhibiting in the cloister of the Church of the Carmine was magical. Thanks to @do.e.ma for the opportunity!
6️⃣ JUNE - Opening my first studio.
An emotional milestone: my own space to create, experiment, and dream.
7️⃣ JULY - Live painting at Superstudio Summer Party.
Invited to paint live at @superstudio.events—an exclusive and unforgettable evening connecting with new audiences.
8️⃣ AUGUST - Inspiration from the Island of Elba.
Nature recharged my creativity, deeply influencing my subsequent works.
9️⃣ SEPTEMBER - Launch of Limited Edition Prints.
Hand-painted gold details made this collection both unique and accessible.
🔟 OCTOBER - Arrival of the Boralevi rug.
Seeing my design in a handwoven rug from Nepal was magical. Visit @boralevi_firenze to experience this masterpiece.
1️⃣1️⃣ NOVEMBER - Exclusive interview with Galleryone962.
Sharing my journey and the emotions behind my work in an exclusive @galleryone962 interview was deeply fulfilling.
1️⃣2️⃣ DECEMBER - New studio in Milan.
A cozy space in Tortona to create and share my art. Contact me to book a visit!
Here’s to an even brighter 2025 with exciting new projects already in the works! ✨
#ArtWithEmotion #CreativeJourney #ArtAndGratitude #ConnectingThroughCreativity
of you the joy, beautiful moments, and support you’ve shared with me during this extraordinary year, of emotion and growth.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
🇮🇹 Il mio augurio di buone feste è restituire a tutti voi la gioia, i bei momenti e il supporto che mi avete trasmesso in questo straordinario
anno, ricco di emozioni e crescita.
Grazie di cuore!
@artist_coaching @elisabettatreggiari @paolodaltan @daltanna @detollisgiovanni @altavia.italia @flaviolucchiniart @milan_icons @scuolacomicsmilano @boralevi_firenze @wolfango.it @chiaraferellafalda @valeriacanavesi_official @paolomamo @fabiobuonocore_ @edizioni_piuma @cg_artesofia @yyurize @isabellamaruti @paperartandtea
#ArtWithEmotion #CreativeJourney #ArtAndGratitude #EmotionsThroughArt #ConnectingThroughCreativity #ColorfulArtJourney #ArtWithHeart
Just a few days ago I moved into my new studio - a special space that marks an important step in my growth as an artist.
This is where my paintings come to life, where every detail - from texture to colour and gold accents - is shaped by the passion and work of my hands.
In person, the artworks reveal so much more: their true scale, their composition, the intensity of the colours and the energy that no photograph can truly capture.
Each painting has its own unique story and I’d love to share it with you.
I’d love to welcome you - drop me a line to arrange a visit!
📍 You can find me at Via delle Foppette 2, Milan, in the Studio Mamo Room.
Experiencing art in person can make it truly unforgettable. ✨
Sometimes the smallest things carry the most meaning.
My 15x15 cm canvases are truly unique artworks, meticulously hand-painted and accompanied by a certificate of authenticity.
💝 Perfect for those looking to gift a genuine piece of art and support creativity.
An original and unforgettable present that will bring color and beauty into any space and warm the hearts of those who receive it.
👉 Available now!
DM me or visit in person at Via delle Foppette 2, Milan,
c/o Studio Mamo Room.
#AbstractArt #MiniCanvas #SmallArtworks #OriginalArt #ArtGift #ArtForSale #HandmadeArt #CreativeGiftIdeas #MinimalArt #GiftOfArt #MilanoArtists #SmallButMighty #ArtMiniaturer #AffordableArt #geometricart
This commissioned piece was created for a family to bring positive emotions and vibrant energy into their new home, reflecting their warm personalities and welcoming spirit.
The foundation of this piece, like all of my paintings, is based on circular compositions. I find the circle to be the most harmonious geometric shape, rich in positive meanings.
The chosen colors - bright yellows, oranges, fuchsias and purples - are vibrant and energetic.
Blue, also present in her living room decor, plays a crucial role in balancing the intensity of the warmer tones throughout the composition.
The result is a painting that not only adds vitality to the room, but also blends seamlessly into the environment, making it even more special and unique.
⭐️ Joy
Acrylic on canvas
80x80 cm - Custom made
If you’d like to personalize your space with a custom piece of art made just for you, feel free to contact me.
I’d be happy to help you enhance your environment with a painting that conveys harmony, beauty and color. 💫
#ArtForInteriors #CustomArtwork #JoyPainting #ArtWithJoy #colorharmony #geometricart#BespokeArt #artforinteriors #PositiveVibes #ColorEnergy #ContemporaryArt #ItalianArtist #InteriorDesignTips #CustomArtwork #ArtisticSolutions #UniqueSpaces
This marks the beginning of a chapter bursting with color, happiness, and boundless inspiration. ✨
Come share the magic with me at Via Delle Foppette 2, Milano
C/o Studio Mano Room
—I’d love to welcome you into this joyful space! 💕
⭐️ Joy
Acrylic painting on canvas
80x80 cm
#NewBeginnings #ArtWithJoy #colorharmony #geometricart#BespokeArt #artforinteriors #PositiveVibes #ColorEnergy #ContemporaryArt #ItalianArtist #InteriorDesignTips #CustomArtwork #ArtisticSolutions #UniqueSpaces
It was commissioned by a family for their new home. The idea is to echo the warmth and positive energy of these wonderful people through the vibrant and lively colors of this piece, which I’ll reveal in full once it’s finished!
If you’d like to bring a burst of energy into your space, feel free to contact me for a personalized commission.
⭐️ Joy
Acrylic painting on canvas
80x80 cm
#colorharmony #geometricart#BespokeArt #artforinteriors #PositiveVibes #ColorEnergy #ContemporaryArt #ItalianArtist #InteriorDesignTips #CustomArtwork #ArtisticSolutions #UniqueSpaces
Warm and cool tones meet: red rocks and deep blue sea.
Brick, sienna, and ivory contrast with petrol and soft blues. Illuminated by gold.
The uniform finish is achieved through layers of paint.
Each layer adds depth and opacity for a rich, even result.
👉Stone & Sea
Acrylic on canvas
70 x 70 cm
Available for purchase
#colorharmony #geometricart#BespokeArt #artforinteriors #PositiveVibes #ColorEnergy #ContemporaryArt #ItalianArtist #InteriorDesignTips #CustomArtwork #ArtisticSolutions #UniqueSpaces
The contrast of warm and cool tones often seen in landscapes inspired the title of this piece, evoking red rocks on a pure, deep sea.
This is my first painting with a chromatic division along the horizontal median, creating a horizon that invites the viewer to explore the subtle intersections of form and delicate color balances.
Brick tones, sienna and ivory contrast with gasoline blue and soft blues, all illuminated by the elegance of gold. Each color evokes its own emotions: ivory suggests purity and peace; brick and sienna bring stability and grounding, like fertile soil that nurtures life.
Petrol blue, along with lighter blues - the colors of the sea and sky - invite you to immerse yourself in an intimate, reflective space. These cool tones echo the calm and expanse of water, inspiring a sense of inner calm and a desire to explore new emotional depths.
Stone & Sea
Acrylic on canvas
70 x 70 cm.
Available for purchase
#colorharmony #geometricart #artforinteriors #BespokeArt #PositiveVibes #ColorEnergy #ContemporaryArt #ItalianArtist #InteriorDesignTips #CustomArtwork #ArtisticSolutions #UniqueSpaces
A carefully placed artwork can truly change the atmosphere of a room, adding depth and harmony to the environment.
Creating custom paintings means bringing art and colors filled with emotion, capable of infusing beauty and energy, and enhancing every space. 🌈
In this project, during the preparatory phase for the paintings and the rug, I proposed the colors chosen by the architects and shared with the client: warm, natural tones inspired by the element of earth, which I decided to contrast with shades of blue, evocative of air and water. These color contrasts not only complement each other with balance, but also represent my artistic research—my way of reflecting the beauty of nature in abstract and geometric works.
⭐️ I thank @isabellamaruti and @paolabonfi for the opportunity to collaborate on this valuable project.
👉 If you’re looking for a piece that reflects the ideal emotions and colors for your space, please feel free to contact me to discover if and how I can help!
#colorharmony #geometricart #artforinteriors #BespokeArt #PositiveVibes #ColorEnergy #ContemporaryArt #ItalianArtist #InteriorDesignTips #CustomArtwork #ArtisticSolutions #UniqueSpaces
💬 “I’m so proud of your painting because it radiates incredible energy and positivity.”
This testimonial is particularly meaningful because it captures the exact message I intended to convey.
🌈 Freedom, one of the pieces Paolo Mamo chose for his workspace, was created for the personal exhibit Mondi a Milano, curated for MuseoCity at The Lab of @flaviolucchiniart FLA Museum in Superstudio Più, Milan. Its colors reflect those of the Freedom Flag, embodying themes of peace and freedom.
Paolo also selected Lantana for his living room, inspired by the bold, warm colors of the lantana flower—orange, red, pink, and a golden touch that marks my work. It’s a celebration of energy and harmony, a vibrant combination that brings light into any space.
I’m truly grateful to @paolomamo for his enthusiasm and for welcoming these pieces into his world. It’s connections like these that inspire me and make my artistic journey so fulfilling. 🌈
#colorharmony #geometricart #artforinteriors #BespokeArt #PositiveVibes #SuperstudioPiù #ColorEnergy #ContemporaryArt #ItalianArtist #ArtCollector #ArtConnection
This rug, based on my artistic project, is handcrafted in Nepal.
The design combines artisanal quality and natural beauty, with wool and silk merging into a unique piece.
Part of the Boralevi design collection, it’s perfect for those seeking an element of luxury and personality.
It’s much more than just decoration: it’s a work of art for your home.
👉 Available in different sizes and custom color options at @boralevi_firenze
#rugdesign #ArtAndDesign #InteriorDesign #LuxuryRug #HandcraftedRug #ArtInYourHome #CustomRug #InteriorInspiration
Each hand-painted piece is unique and perfect for a prestigious gift, complete with a Certificate of Authenticity and presented in an elegant, custom-designed box.
🛍️ The first 4 ‘miniatures’ are now available at @milan_icons, Via Vincenzo Monti 2, Milan.
👉 You can also request custom mini works of art with personalized colors by contacting me!
#geometricart #geometricpainting #artcommissionsopen #artcollectorsofig #modernabstract #geometricabstraction #womenwhopaint #artforgifts
Did you ever imagine a rug could bring warmth and strength through its vibrant colors? This piece does just that.
Abstract and geometric, with a touch of floral inspiration from the Lantana flower, the yellows and oranges evoke the warmth of the sun, gold adds a refined brightness, and red and fuchsia unleash energy.
More than just a decoration, it’s a true statement of style, perfect for spaces that reflect your personality. A masterpiece of artisan excellence.
It’s available in different sizes and custom color options at @Boralevi_firenze.
#DesignRug #ArtAndDesign #BoraleviCollection #InteriorDesign #LuxuryRug #HandcraftedRug #ArtInYourHome #CustomRug #InteriorInspiration
My Creativity for Boralevi
When Boralevi invited me to design a rug for their collection, I embraced the challenge with passion.
As an artist with a strong design background, I’m always inspired to create innovative solutions that blend effortlessly into interior spaces.
Designed to enrich modern and sophisticated spaces, this piece carries the symbolic strength of the circle and a vibrant chromatic energy.
Handcrafted in Nepal from premium wool and silk, it represents the perfect harmony between artistic vision and artisan excellence.
Part of the Boralevi design collection, this rug brings luxury and personality to any space. More than just decoration, it’s a work of art for your home.
👉 Available in different sizes and custom color options at @boralevi_firenze.
#rugdesign #ArtAndDesign #InteriorDesign #LuxuryRug #HandcraftedRug #ArtInYourHome #CustomRug #InteriorInspiration #BoraleviFirenze
Do you think design is complete once the furniture is in place? Not quite! The finishing touch is the art on your walls.
Design is in the details.
🏠 Each space has its own essence: entryways welcome, living areas relax, dining rooms connect, and workspaces energize.
The right artwork doesn’t just fill the space - it enhances it, elevating each environment and completing the experience.
As an artist specializing in custom interiors, I help designers bring their vision to life with unique, custom artwork.
👉 If you’re looking to elevate your design projects with the perfect artwork, follow me for daily insights and creative advice.
#artforinteriors #DesignWithArt #CustomArtwork #geometricart #LuxuryInteriors #colorharmony #AbstractArtInInteriors #BespokeArt
This piece captures the magic of the sea-the deep blues, the warmth of the sun, and the shimmer of gold on the water.
💫 The gold reflects the sunlight dancing on the water’s surface, adding a touch of brilliance.
Each brushstroke is a reminder of this beauty, blended to make you feel as if you’re standing on the shore, letting the colors wash over you.
The centripetal arrangement of circles invites the viewer to get lost in the artwork, offering a moment of tranquility and contemplation, much like gazing at the endless horizon of the Mediterranean Sea.
👉 Follow me to bring a touch of nature-inspired color to the spaces you design, and let’s create something unique together!
Sunbeams Reflecting on the Mediterranean Sea
Acrylic on Canvas
60x60 cm.
🌊 Ever wondered how the vibrant blues of the Mediterranean Sea come to life in abstract art?
I’m starting with a digital study for a new geometric piece of my Rotations series, then carefully mixing acrylics to match the perfect tones before painting.
Each step brings the beauty of the sea into the artwork.
💫 The gold, always present in my paintings, reflects the sunlight shimmering on the water’s surface, adding a touch of brilliance.
👉 Follow me to see the full process and the final painting!
I’m thrilled to introduce these exclusive prints, perfect for making any occasion truly special! 🎁
Each print is a limited edition, printed on 100% cotton paper with hand-painted gold details.
4 color variations.
Only 11 prints per color available.
Each signed and accompanied by a certificate of authenticity.✨
Explore the stunning color options:
🔵 Deep Blue – Intimacy and calming.
🟢 Rose and Green – Refreshing and natural.
🟠 Orange and Fuchsia – Bold and energetic.
🟣 Magenta and Bright Blue – Balanced and vibrant.
Find these unique prints on my website (link in bio) or DM me typing PRESS PRINT. They make the perfect elegant gift! 💫